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Safety Tips

Security & Privacy

Here at Bangstars, we strive to keep our community secure and discreet.

To maintain your online safety and make informed choices, we have compiled some suggestions to help you interact with other members securely, privately, and without compromising your well-being.

Safeguard Your Personal Identifiable Information

  • Before sharing any personal contact details, take the time to get better acquainted with other members. We recommend asking them questions to verify the consistency of their narrative. If someone tries to quickly move your conversation off the platform, their intentions may be questionable.
  • Sharing personally identifiable information like your full name, personal email, home address, phone number, workplace details, daily routine specifics, social media profiles, etc., could potentially be misused. Only share such information with members you have established trust with.
  • Avoid posting photos identical or very similar to those available elsewhere (e.g., social media), as they could be used to identify you through reverse image searches. Instead, utilize different images and our editing tools to obscure your identity if needed.
  • Sensitive information like home addresses, credit card numbers, and government-issued IDs should NEVER be shared.
  • Be wary of any member requesting such information from you.

Securing Your Account and Personal Information

  • Use a robust password for your account AND a separate strong password for the device (computer, phone, tablet) you use to access your account.
  • Avoid logging into your account from public or shared devices. However, if you must, ensure the device does not save your login credentials and clear the browser history before leaving.
  • If privacy is a concern, do not use personal or work email addresses. Avoid using any part of your name in the email (e.g. Instead, create a separate free email account exclusively for our platform. If already signed up, change the associated email through your Settings.
  • Services like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo offer free email addresses without needing an actual address for sign-up.
  • Choose a username that does not identify you in any way - e.g. "loverforu".
  • When sharing video content outside Bangstars, exercise caution as digital media can persist indefinitely.
  • Strongly consider ending communication with any member pressuring you for personal or financial information or attempting to coerce you into revealing such details through deception.
  • Never send money, especially via wire transfer, to someone you met online, even if they claim an emergency situation.
  • Be wary of potentially fraudulent members. Anyone capable of identity theft can create misleading profiles to gain access to your personal data.
  • Report any profile exhibiting suspicious, offensive, harassing, threatening, fraudulent behavior or involving money/product solicitation for investigation. Tap the three-dot icon on their profile and select Report.

Incognito Browsing

  • When using our website, ensure privacy by opening an incognito window in Google Chrome or a "Private" tab in Safari. For Safari or other browsers, clear cookies and browsing history after each Bangstars visit.
  • Exercise extra caution when accessing Bangstars from public places like libraries, coffee shops, and airports.
  • Resist the temptation to use auto-password remember features, especially if sharing your computer with family, friends, or colleagues.

Stay Within Bangstars: Be Wary of Members Suggesting to Take Conversations Elsewhere

  • Exercise caution when it comes to meeting members outside the Bangstars platform, whether in person or via third-party messaging apps, regardless of who you're connecting with.
  • Until trust is established between members, we advise keeping all communication within our platform's messaging features before providing any personal information enabling off-platform contact.
  • Remember, we cannot moderate or review interactions that occur outside our website and mobile app for suspicious activity, such as:
    • Phone calls
    • Video calls
    • Third-party messaging services (WhatsApp, Telegram, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc.)
  • If you feel comfortable meeting another member in person, consider discreetly informing a trusted friend of the meeting details and expected return time.
  • Never agree to being picked up at your home or workplace. Use your own transportation to and from the meeting. If possible, meet in a public place with plenty of people around for enhanced safety.

Ensuring Authentic Communication and Detecting Fraud on Bangstars

  • Bangstars does not currently offer any kind of ID verification process.
  • Bangstars will only facilitate payments for Credits or subscriptions on our website If redirected elsewhere, it is not our legitimate platform. Do not provide personal or payment information on external sites.
  • We take fraud very seriously and report all suspicious activities flagged by members to relevant investigative agencies. Our security team has already taken down several problematic websites with the help of our engaged community.

Exercise Caution with Long-Distance and Overseas Relationships

  • Be wary of members living far away, especially if they are requesting financial assistance or your personal information.

Never Send Money or Share Financial Information with Other Members

  • Never send money, goods, or share financial information with other Bangstars members, regardless of the situation.
  • Report any members soliciting money, goods, or financial details (click the three dots on their profile, then Report).
  • Requesting such transactions violates our Terms and Conditions.
  • While exciting, use discretion when connecting with new members and sharing personal information.

Report Suspicious and Offensive Behavior

To maintain a safe, secure, and discreet environment on Bangstars, report any member violating our Code of Conduct to

Unacceptable behaviours include:

  • Solicitation/Prostitution
  • Spamming
  • Stalking or harassment
  • Participating in illegal activities